Why Smart Leaders Don’t Bring Smartphones to Meetings

According to new research, it appears that the most effective leaders don’t bring their phones to meetings. And this doesn’t mean simply stowing a device so that it’s out of sight in a pocket or a bag. Nor does it mean just turning it off.
Are You in a Toxic Relationship?

Is your phone the first thing you reach for in the morning and the last thing you touch before going to sleep? Do you find yourself mindlessly grabbing for your digital device throughout the day just to make sure you haven’t missed anything important?
The Magic Number is Four

When it comes to “Honoring Your Health: Mind, Body, and Spirit,” the magic number is four.
The Antidote to Office Gossip

Researchers have found that the vast majority of all conversations qualify as gossip. What’s more is that nearly 15 percent of all work emails can be categorized as such.
Houston, We Have a Problem

As Leaders of Light, we know that society has an incivility problem. From people to politics, from sports to schools, from travel to texting, incivility is everywhere — and it’s getting worse…
An Innovative Leadership Program Has Arrived

Last month, hundreds of leaders gathered at the Avalon Events Center in Fargo to attend the inaugural session of the Leading with Light leadership program. During the session…