The Gratitude Formula
The power of gratitude is undeniable. In fact, the great Dr. Robert Evans, the world’s leading authority on the subject, has spent his entire career documenting the benefits. Here is just a smattering of what we can expect when we become grateful for the many the blessings in our lives:
How Gratitude Can Make You a Better Leader
Here’s a shocking reality. Researchers have just discovered that the more successful a leader becomes, the LESS likely they are to express their gratitude to those who work with and for them.
How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
Put simply, gratitude is the positive emotion felt when all those around you come to the realization that you genuinely care about them and want to do everything in your power to help them shine.
Why Smart Leaders Don’t Bring Smartphones to Meetings
According to new research, it appears that the most effective leaders don’t bring their phones to meetings. And this doesn’t mean simply stowing a device so that it’s out of sight in a pocket or a bag. Nor does it mean just turning it off.
Are You in a Toxic Relationship?
Is your phone the first thing you reach for in the morning and the last thing you touch before going to sleep? Do you find yourself mindlessly grabbing for your digital device throughout the day just to make sure you haven’t missed anything important?
The Magic Number is Four
When it comes to “Honoring Your Health: Mind, Body, and Spirit,” the magic number is four.