Our collective faith in the leaders who head up our once most trusted institutions is at an all-time low and now hovers around a dismal 26%.*


Just a few decades ago, 33% of Americans reported having 10 or more close friends. By 2021, this figure dropped to 13%.*

*Cox, 2022

12% of Americans have zero close friends, compared to 3% in 1991.*

*Kernan, 2024

Nearly half of Americans report feeling lonely or left out.*

*Cigna’s US Loneliness Index

Teens who use screens for more than five hours per day were 20% more likely to have suicidal ideation.*

*Clinical Psychological Science

About half of teens and more than 1/4 of parents say they’re addicted to their mobile devices.*

*Common Sense Media

57% of Americans regularly question their life’s purpose and meaning.*

*Lifeway Research

More than 80% of American adults and children don’t meet the guidelines of 30 minutes of physical activity.*

*National Institutes of Health

Since 1960, the rate of obesity in the US has tripled.*

*National Institutes of Health

In 2022, nearly half of US high schoolers reported that they had experienced persistent feelings of sadness of hopelessness.*

*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention